Monday, September 3, 2012

Oven Baked Corn

I love corn, no lie. Fresh corn is my favorite for obvious reasons. I haven't done a pin in a couple of days and I thought I should do one with dinner. Since we were barbequing for Labor day and I have alreayd grilled corn  I figure: let's bake it!

Pre heat oven to 350  and cook in husk for 30 minutes. Seriously, that's all the original blogger says.

I mean sure, once it's out  you pull the husks back. The silk is supposed to just fall off- mine didn't really get the memo and while cutting the kernels off for my daughters (sad, I know) I kept getting the silk in the corn. Butter, salt and pepper to taste

Verdict: It is good, however I think I still like grilled better. This is a great alternative to boiling only if you plan on baking something anyway. I think if I were to bake it again, I would do like in grilling which is : Soak for 15 minutes, pull husks down but not off, remove silk, add butter salt and pepper, bake.

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