This week is Multicultural week at our school and I've already decorated the door. Now I needed to make a dish from another country. I've made my family's Kolač recipe many times. We decided to go a different route. We love Disney around here. And Brave is one of my favorite Disney Princesses (it must be a red head thing!). Hailey really wanted to try the buns that Harris, Hubert and Hamish are always stealing. Amazingly enough there was a pin for it!

Ingredients for 16 drop cakes
- 3 cups plain flour
- ¾ cup sugar
- 1 Stick real butter (not melted)
- ¼ cup whole milk
- 3 large eggs
- 2 TBSP vanilla extract
- 1 TBSP of baking powder
- 1 pinch of table salt
Icing and red topper (alternative: Wilton microwavable cookie icing)
- 2 cups powder sugar
- 4 ½ TBSP water
- Glacé cherry or cinnamon drops or other red candy to top. (I used red hots)
Beat soft butter with sugar, then add milk, eggs and vanilla extract. Add flour, baking powder and pinch of salt. Mix well. The dough will be sticky. Cover container and place in Refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Verdict: I think they are good, but I might want to use a cookie icing instead next time. I'm not really "into" that kind of icing. We hope the school enjoys them and our cute little sign!