Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pizza Hut pizza knock off

Pintrest Objective:
Original blogger:


Pizza Hut Pan Pizza
1 1/3 C Warm water (105F)
1/4 C Non-fat dry milk
1/2 tsp Salt
4 C Flour
1 Tbsp Sugar
1 pk Dry yeast
2 Tbsp Vegetable oil (for dough)
9 Oz Vegetable oil (3 oz. per pan) – (I just use enough to coat the pan)
Butter flavored Pam

Put yeast, sugar, salt, and dry milk in a large (2 qt.) bowl. Add water and stir to mix well. Allow to sit for two minutes. Add oil and stir again. Add flour and stir until dough forms and flour is absorbed. Turn out on to a flat surface and knead for about 10 minutes.

Divide dough into three balls. In three 9″ cake pans ( or can use 1 – 9 inch pie plate and 1 – 9 x 13 dish) , put 3 Oz. of oil in each making sure it is spread evenly. Using a rolling pin, roll out each dough ball to about a 9″ circle. Place in cake pans. Spray the outer edge of dough with Pam. Cover with a plate. Place in warm area and allow to rise for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Preheat oven to 450 degrees while adding pizza sauce and favorite toppings to your pizza.  Cook until cheese is bubbling and outer crust is brown – about 15 minutes.

Verdict: I think next time I need to use a little less dough(so that the middle isn't as thick), add more oil and maybe corn meal at the bottom (because my fingers were no where near a greasy). and figure out a way to make it greasy on the top. The original bloggers looks more greasy.....Other than that I could taste a pizza hut likeness- but a healthy version, I will DEFIANTLY try this one again!

**Updated This is a knock off- but I have to say it's not the real recipe- My daughter turned out to be allergic to the dry milk in the  crust. However she can eat the real pizza hut crust.**

***If you found this helpful, funny or anything else. Please follow me! I get kinda lonely :( ****

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